Magento 2 Módulo Listas de precios

  • Sistema de precios Admin - Crear lista de precios
  • Sistema de precios Admin - Lista de precios creada
  • Sistema de precios Admin - Lista de precios
  • Sistema de precios Admin - Agregar cliente a la lista de precios
  • Sistema de precios Admin - Cliente agregado a la lista de precios
  • Sistema de precios Admin - Agregar grupo de clientes a la lista de precios
  • Sistema de precios Admin - Grupo de clientes agregado a la lista de precios
  • Sistema de precios Admin - Agregar producto a la lista de precios
  • Sistema de precios Admin - Producto agregado a la lista de precios
  • Sistema de precios Frontend - Precio de la lista de precios aplicado
  • Sistema de precios Frontend - Sin precio de la lista de precios
  • Sistema de precios Lista de precios edición en línea
  • Sistema de precios agregar productos
  • Sistema de precios Configuración 1
  • Listas de precios asignadas
  • Sistema de precios Configuración 1
  • Sistema de precios Configuración 2
  • Sistema de precios Configuración 3
  • Sistema de precios Configuración 4
  • Descuento al cliente de Sistema de precios
  • Descuento por grupo de clientes de Sistema de precios
  • Sistema de precios Antes del Descuento del Cliente
  • Sistema de precios Después del Descuento del Cliente
  • Sistema de precios Antes del Descuento por Grupo de Clientes
  • Sistema de precios Después del Descuento por Grupo de Clientes

Descripción breve

Con nuestro módulo de listas de precios para Magento B2B, podrás crear y gestionar listas de precios específicas para diferentes clientes y grupos de clientes. La extensión permite asignar precios personalizados para productos, facilitando una administración eficiente de precios en función de clientes individuales o grupos de clientes.

Funcionalidad principal:

  • Crear y gestionar múltiples listas de precios desde el panel de administración.
  • Asignar listas de precios a clientes o grupos de clientes específicos.
  • Asignar precios personalizados a productos en cada lista de precios.
  • Configurar descuentos y precios especiales para clientes o grupos de clientes.
  • Visualización en el frontend de precios según la lista de precios asignada al cliente.

Descripción detallada

El módulo de listas de precios para Magento 2 ofrece una solución integral para gestionar precios personalizados en una tienda B2B. Permite crear listas de precios específicas que se pueden asignar a clientes individuales o grupos de clientes. Los administradores pueden definir precios personalizados para cada producto y lista de precios, lo que permite una gran flexibilidad en la gestión de precios y descuentos.

Además, la extensión proporciona una interfaz de usuario intuitiva en el backend para crear y asignar listas de precios, así como una visualización clara de los precios aplicados en el frontend según la lista de precios del cliente. Esto mejora la experiencia del cliente y facilita la administración de precios en función de las necesidades específicas de cada cliente o grupo.


  • Gestión eficiente de precios personalizados para clientes B2B.
  • Flexibilidad en la asignación de precios a productos y clientes.
  • Interfaz de usuario amigable tanto en el backend como en el frontend.
  • Mejora la experiencia del cliente con precios adaptados a sus necesidades.
  • Facilita la administración de descuentos y promociones especiales.

Demo en vivo

Para ver una demostración en vivo del módulo de listas de precios en acción, visita nuestro sitio de demostración:

Visita la demo en vivo

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Cómo instalar el módulo de listas de precios?
El módulo se puede instalar a través del panel de administración de Magento o utilizando el archivo ZIP proporcionado. Consulta nuestra guía de instalación para obtener instrucciones detalladas.
¿Puedo asignar múltiples listas de precios a un cliente?
Sí, puedes asignar varias listas de precios a un cliente o grupo de clientes. Los precios aplicables se mostrarán según la lista de precios más relevante para el cliente.
¿Es compatible el módulo con versiones anteriores de Magento?
El módulo está diseñado para ser compatible con Magento 2. Asegúrate de que tu versión de Magento cumpla con los requisitos del módulo.
pricesystem [2.2.4] - 2025-02-28


  • Fixed Reflection Error when class of original price type could not be found or loaded


  • Improved Date Range Validation checks
pricesystem [2.2.3] - 2024-12-12


  • Fixed issue when using decimal values for qtys
pricesystem [2.2.2] - 2024-10-27


  • Added another API route to get context-based API prices (automatically from customer session or, when not logged in, from not logged in customer group, see webapi.xml for reference)


  • Fixed issue with duplicate AJAX requests when using special trigger contentUpdated
pricesystem [2.2.1] - 2024-09-21


  • Changed Version class for displaying extension information


  • Fixed some issues for Magento_CSP Compatibility
pricesystem [2.2.0] - 2024-08-31


  • Added new API routes /V1/pricesystem/me/get-final-price & /V1/pricesystem/me/get-multi-price to fetch prices for the logged in customer (session) inside Magento 2
pricesystem [2.1.13] - 2024-08-18


  • Fixed tier price display for sort order prices with customer discount
  • Show "Skip customer and group discounts application on next available price" config only when Sort Order is set as Price Select Rule
pricesystem [2.1.12] - 2024-08-08


  • Show last update date from this file inside the system configuration of the extension
pricesystem [2.1.11] - 2024-07-22


  • Updated
pricesystem [2.1.10] - 2024-07-19


  • Fixed
pricesystem [2.1.9] - 2024-03-24


  • Fix tier price display for sort order strategy
pricesystem [2.1.8] - 2024-03-06


  • php Docs
pricesystem [2.1.7] - 2024-03-05


  • Changed cache key of getProductPrices to include customerId and groupId


  • Fixed an issue on display pricesystem discount for configurable products at the My Orders page in frontend
  • Fixed an issue with displaying up- and cross sell prices on special conditions
pricesystem [2.1.6] - 2023-12-28


  • Changed hard coded groupId 0 to GroupManagement::NOT_LOGGED_IN_ID
pricesystem [2.1.5] - 2023-11-29


  • Fixed issue with shipment tab on frontend my orders section if display of custom view template was enabled
pricesystem [2.1.4] - 2023-11-08


  • Fixed discount text for configurables with tier prices
pricesystem [2.1.3] - 2023-11-06


  • Fixed tier price display for configurable products
pricesystem [2.1.2] - 2023-09-16


  • Fixed double currency conversion in cart
pricesystem [2.1.1] - 2023-08-14


  • Fixed double currency conversion in cart
pricesystem [2.1.0] - 2023-06-04


  • Virtual products support
pricesystem [2.0.26] - 2023-06-03


  • New configuration to add routes, for which ajax price request should not be done
pricesystem [2.0.25] - 2023-05-16


  • Added rounding for price discount calculations
pricesystem [2.0.24] - 2023-05-15


  • Pricesystem discount amount reload after cart qty update
pricesystem [2.0.23] - 2023-05-14


  • "product" object is passed to Customized Price
pricesystem [2.0.22] - 2023-05-13


  • Added new config to check for customer discount / customer group discount for price codes
pricesystem [2.0.21] - 2023-05-12


  • Dynamic properties declarations are fixed
pricesystem [2.0.20] - 2023-05-06


  • Incorrect tier price on PDP for configurable product on qty change
pricesystem [2.0.19] - 2023-04-16


  • Added new system configuration "Show From Price for Configurables" to show the lowest price from all simple tiers as the configurable price
pricesystem [2.0.18] - 2023-03-22


  • Fallback solution for DefaultConfigProvider on Original price, if e.g. configured_original_price is set
pricesystem [2.0.17] - 2023-03-21


  • Added cart condition rules for customer discount and customer group discount


  • Added an additional check to prevent JS error for the discount text when oldPrice is not available from the template
  • Fallback solution for "configured_original_price" price type, previously resulted in an offset issue on admin order display
pricesystem [2.0.16] - 2023-03-01


  • Fixed an issue that disabled products were shown under my prices section in frontend
pricesystem [2.0.15] - 2023-02-21


  • Fixed a JS issue undefined priceSystem when module is not enabled on a specific website
pricesystem [2.0.14] - 2023-02-15


  • Fixed an issue when a custom price record was inserted with a qty of 0, it was falsely considered as tierprice within getTierPriceList function
pricesystem [2.0.13] - 2023-02-14


  • Fixed an issue which could lead to wrong prices when the config "Store View Code in URL" is active
pricesystem [2.0.12] - 2023-02-09


  • Fixed phpDoc for swagger for recent get-multi-price API feature
pricesystem [2.0.11] - 2023-02-07


  • New /V1/pricesystem/get-multi-price API call to retrieve final and tier prices for multiple skus
pricesystem [2.0.10] - 2023-01-28


  • Fixed /V1/pricesystem/get-final-price API call


  • Removed redundant ACL node MageB2B_PricesystemCore::pricesystem (use MageB2B_PricesystemCore::main instead)
pricesystem [2.0.9] - 2023-01-25


  • New configuration to show "My Prices" my account link only when custom prices are set to the customer
pricesystem [2.0.8] - 2023-01-12


  • Optional websiteId parameter is added to the PriceRequest to return website specific prices
  • Added trait PriceSelectByPriorityTrait


  • Changed categoryprice pricetype: It's now merged into one pricetype
pricesystem [2.0.7] - 2022-11-28


  • Changed the CLI command to be pricesystem:get-final-price (previously mageb2b:product:get-customer-price), added a more descriptive text around the options of this CLI
  • Changed My Prices page to display all available tier qtys of a price type
pricesystem [2.0.6] - 2022-11-25


  • Added new method convertInputDate which will be used for all localizated date conversions into DB date for non post data processors


  • Fixed issue occuring when access swagger page of Magento 2
pricesystem [2.0.5] - 2022-11-24


  • Fixed issue when fallback to regular price was taking into account: TypeError: MageB2B\PricesystemCore\Model\Catalog\Pricing\FinalPriceProvider::saveUsedPriceData(): Argument #1 ($usedPriceInfo) must be of type MageB2B\PricesystemCore\Model\Catalog\Pricing\Price\CustomizedPriceDecorator
pricesystem [2.0.4] - 2022-11-24


  • Fixed issue on pricelist product grid when neither customer nor a group was selected, the custom price renderer throwed an exception
  • Fixed issue with the pricesystem discount amount on admin order view grid, previously it was not displaying the amount in the ordered currency
pricesystem [2.0.3] - 2022-11-17


  • Fallback to the regular price is done, when custom price cannot be calculated
pricesystem [2.0.2] - 2022-11-12


  • Changed function getWebsitesForForm to add default parameter $addAllWebsites, value false
pricesystem [2.0.1] - 2022-11-11


  • Fixed issue with infinite scroll price update
pricesystem [2.0.0] - 2022-11-01


  • Added new config "Hide price filter from layered navigation for customers"
  • Added new config "Reload prices with ajax for guests"
  • Added new config "Price Cache Lifetime"
  • Added new config "Skip greater tier prices"
  • Added new config "Show custom price column in backend grids (customer price grid, pricelist products grid)"
  • Added CLI to fetch final price based on pricesystem calculation (see: bin/magento mageb2b:product:get-customer-price)
  • Added API method to fetch final price based on pricesystem calculation


  • Magento 2 Compatibility only 2.4.x
  • Refactored the methods of calculating the prices using M2-core approach, it will improve the speed and compatibility of customizations
  • Refactored the logging to be more accurate and increase readability
  • Remove usage of own pricesystem index table
  • Changed the way pricesystem cache works: You can now define an own cache lifetime, considering that datasets can have dates in future its not recommend to increase it to more than 24 hours
  • Changed the price rendering to be ajax-based on detail page as well to prevent FPC-issues
  • Changed the way the custom price column in admin is rendered, its now done via AJAX to always get the correct amount
  • Removed some obsolete configuration settings


  • Fixed issue with strike price now being applied correctly from the original price set from pricesystem
  • Fixed issue with display of the correct pricesystem discount and pricesystem price type
pricesystem [1.1.11] - 2022-08-08


  • Fixed issue with new customer group on admin save of pricesystem attributes
pricesystem [1.1.10] - 2020-08-05


  • Fixed isset issues of pricesystem attributes during save in admin
pricesystem [1.1.9] - 2022-07-28


  • Fixed Pricesystem API URL Checkout for getActual... methods
pricesystem [1.1.8] - 2022-07-27


  • Change price box from display: none to visilbity:hidden to prevent custom theme issues/jumping of product blocks
pricesystem [1.1.7] - 2022-07-25


  • Whitelist additional routes
pricesystem [1.1.6] - 2022-07-24


  • Fixed issue on getTierPrice function
  • Fixed logger message issue when message is null
  • Ensure quote plugin is applied on checkout API calls (e.g. order placement)
pricesystem [1.1.5] - 2022-07-21


  • Fixed ID issue on price warming
pricesystem [1.1.4] - 2022-07-21


  • Add prices reload for SM_SHOBY extension ajax pagination
  • Add price warming on category price ajax reqeust to ensure price index table
pricesystem [1.1.3] - 2022-07-21


  • Added Sm_ShopBy for event ajax trigger on footer
pricesystem [1.1.2] - 2022-07-20


  • Added new bind return for getCustomerprice()
pricesystem [1.1.1] - 2022-07-20


  • Fixed tierprice issue on custom sort order
pricesystem-pricelist [2.1.1] - 2024-08-14


  • Fixed adminhtml.xml for new config added recently
pricesystem-pricelist [2.1.0] - 2024-08-14


  • Display ID for assign/deassign pricelist window in admin customer edit section
  • Display is_basepricelist inside the customer edit section grids (customer-related pricelists, customer-group related pricelists)
  • Added a configuration "match_exact_type" to use exact comparison (===) when auto-assign pricelists during customer registration
  • Added note inside the pricelist popup when no pricelists are available in the system
pricesystem-pricelist [2.0.23] - 2024-03-19


  • Fixed issue with isValidUserId() function
pricesystem-pricelist [2.0.22] - 2024-03-06


  • php Docs
pricesystem-pricelist [2.0.21] - 2024-01-31


  • Changed function of isValidUserId() to include the website check of the customer with pricelist website


  • Fixed an issue with pricelist export on admin area (column ID was ambigious)
pricesystem-pricelist [2.0.20] - 2023-11-08


  • Changed the copy behavior of a pricelist - now on a copied base pricelist will be unset as a base pricelist to avoid issues during the save process of the new created pricelist
pricesystem-pricelist [2.0.19] - 2023-10-26


  • Fixed an issue which ocurred on customer group edit form
pricesystem-pricelist [2.0.18] - 2023-09-19


  • Fixed an issue which could result in wrong group-related pricelist assignments on customer edit (pricesystem tab)
pricesystem-pricelist [2.0.17] - 2023-07-18


  • Added grid under admin section of customer edit (pricesystem tab) to display customer group related pricelists
pricesystem-pricelist [2.0.16] - 2023-06-07


  • Fixed Pricelist save when product id column is enabled
pricesystem-pricelist [2.0.15] - 2023-05-31


  • Added Fallback for Filter Input (Magento 2.4.0)
pricesystem-pricelist [2.0.14] - 2023-05-28


  • Fixed UI component listing
pricesystem-pricelist [2.0.13] - 2023-05-24


  • Changed automatic customer assignment behavior, it will not apply anymore when either customer attribute or customer attribute value is null
pricesystem-pricelist [2.0.12] - 2023-05-12


  • Dynamic properties declarations are fixed
pricesystem-pricelist [2.0.11] - 2023-05-08


  • Added new config field: "Show pricelist product id column in pricelist products grid"
pricesystem-pricelist [2.0.10] - 2023-04-16


  • Added cart condition rule for pricelist
  • 2.4.6 compatibility fixes
pricesystem-pricelist [2.0.9] - 2023-01-25


  • New configuration to show "My Prices" my account link only when custom prices are set to the customer
pricesystem-pricelist [2.0.8] - 2023-01-12


  • Used new core trait to compare prices by priority
pricesystem-pricelist [2.0.7] - 2022-12-28


  • Refactored pricelist before/after save (relational data for customers/groups/products) to avoid direct MySQL queries
pricesystem-pricelist [2.0.6] - 2022-12-12


  • Fixed dependency issue occuring during setup upgrade (Unable to apply data patch MageB2B\PricesystemPricelist\Setup\Patch\Data\AddPricelistAttributes)
  • Fixed the issue that the productsContainer was not showing all products when the website of the pricelist was selected to "All Websites"
pricesystem-pricelist [2.0.5] - 2022-11-28


  • Added PriceProvider for My prices block
pricesystem-pricelist [2.0.4] - 2022-11-24


  • Fixed issues around localized date input format when saved into DB
pricesystem-pricelist [2.0.3] - 2022-11-23


  • Fixed behavior of pricelist grid under customer pricesystem tab as well as on assign/deassign grid to flush inconsist behavior for the recent 'all Websites' feature


  • DB column pricelist.website_id should not be null
pricesystem-pricelist [2.0.2] - 2022-11-12


  • Added feature to select "All Websites" for pricelists (internal flag for website_id should be 0 in this case)
pricesystem-pricelist [2.0.1] - 2022-11-08


  • Fixed issue to take the lowest/highest price for pricelist price with the same qty

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Magento 2 (2.4.3 - 2.4.7)

Versión actual:
