Your license is valid for one Magento installation, including scopes (store views, websites ect.).
In addition to this, you can install our extensions on various development- or staging server.
With our B2B extension sales staff / sales representatives you are able to create and manage sales staff members easily in your shop. From registering as sales staff till an order made under an assigned customer from sales staff - this extension offers you whole flexibility and support you in your B2B processes. You can decide if new sales staffs can register on your Magento shop, but they are not yet activated then. After activated - sales staff will be informed via email - a sales staff can search through his assigned customers or also can create / assign new customers to his account. The search engine in frontend is reach-featured, including a search for customers delivery and/or invoice address. Of course, we are offering different API interfaces like CSV, SOAP and REST API. Within a seperate project we are offering customizing to your ERP / CRM system also. Our sales rep extension for Magento is a B2B extension you shouldn't miss.
With this extension for Magento 2 you can create new sales staff members or so called sales representatives for your magento shop in next no time. Sales Staff won't be created as an usual customer, but apart in an own menu and entity class. Each Sales Staff can be connected with multiple customer accounts. At the login process in the frontend the Sales staff can choose a customer account which he needs. At the customer account he can create orders or do other tasks. Also the tool has a csv interface to import sales staff members.
Easily create sales staff members in backend and assign customers to them. You can define if a sales staff is active or non-active. Non-active means, the staff can currently not log-in. Also, there is a special setting "can access all customers" which allows a single sales staff / staff member to be assigned to all customers and therefore he can choose customers in frontend system-wide.
Also, it's possible to create sales staff in frontend by typing in a special URL (which works as registration/signup form). Per default, the creation of sales staff is possible, but can be deactivated through a system configuration. After registering as a sales staff the sales staff member needs to be activated in the backend area of Magento.
In frontend we are offering a very good performance and usability search for searching customers. Also, it's possible to search for an email address so you can check if the sales staff is already assigned. It's possible to say that a customer which is connected to one sales staff can not be connected to another.
You can set comission discounts per sales staff, depending on net total amount, total amount or discount per product. Also, the sales staff can see his commission inside the frontend area.
As a staff, you can schedule customer visits either using a Google Calendar integration or a common format (iCal). You can also invite your customer to accept the invitation via email, if needed. After the visit has been scheduled, the sales staff can view upcoming and all visits inside a Google Map (requires Google Map API access).
As a staff account in frontend you can manage your orders. Based on the setting of that staff record, you can edit item prices and/or edit a complete order. Furthermore, you can add order comments.
Manage your customers in frontend easily using a comment feature and additionally a full history feature to add e.g. recent notes from a phone call of a client. Additionally, a staff can upload multiple files per history entry. The allowed file type extensions (pdf, docx ect.) are configurable inside the stores configuration area.
Easily import your staff members over an own, fast CSV import interface. We are offering a sample csv file to understand how it works.
For our Sales Staff Extension we are offering great API features, such as SOAP API (also v2) and REST API. If you are not using an API, you can use our import interface to create sales staff and connect customers with those.
Use Staff Reports (available in both Backend & Frontend Area) to see how many products or orders have been sold by your Sales Staff. A configuration is available to disable Sales Staff Report in Frontend.
Use Microsoft Azure and SAML technology to allow login staff accounts only via SAML. The Management of Staff Accounts in Magento 2 is no longer needed. Configuration endpoints available. New staff accounts will be created in Magento 2 if not available there yet.
We are offering additional services:
Your license is valid for one Magento installation, including scopes (store views, websites ect.).
In addition to this, you can install our extensions on various development- or staging server.
The installation is not included in the price. When you purchase you can opt to an installation service for sure.
We are happy to give you a service to integrate our extensions in your system.
We offer Credit Card (by Stripe) as well as Bank transfer (prepayment).
After paying by Credit Card you will immediately get the credentials to download the extension via composer. As for payment by bank transfer, you will receive the credentials once the invoice has been paid.
We are one of the fewest service provider which are offering customizations towards our extensions. Herefore, we create a new internal version of our extension to give you an excellent support and consider the made customizations for ongoing support requests.
As we have no influence on the use once the extension is installed on your system, we can not offer you a local demo version. We keep our demo system, however, always up to date and invite you to test the extension completely on our demo system.
You can book the support package for your order. With this support package you also get other support around the extension. Included in the support package are updates for your selected Magento version.
You can easily book an update with a credit card.
Simply use the following link.
Just send us an email.
Magento 2 OpenSource / Commerce (2.4.x)
Current Version: